Random Thoughts for 2011

Vintage Woman WritingI’m the type of person who is constantly taking mental notes and writing ideas down on whatever medium I can find. If you were to look in my wallet/purse, you would find a bunch of papers,receipts, etc..with quotes and ideas scribbled on. I have a restless mind.

As part of my 2011 reflection and cleanse, I wanted to share some tidbits. Here goes:

  1. I really want a Corgi
  2. How much money does Victoria’s Secret spend on printing the same catalog and mailing it 150 times to my house?
  3. The Orange County restaurant scene is booming. Loads of new spots to indulge and be seen, especially this place
  4. My neighbor is ALWAYS walking around outside on his phone. I wonder if he’s talking to his girlfriend, and if his wife inside the house is starting to get suspicious.
  5. Is my Type really the best thing for me?
  6. The Lakers are gonna win the championship this season (early 2011). Nevermind, I’m still a loyal fan though (Dec. 2011)
  7. I need to see a podiatrist soon.
  8. This new hot pink lipstick is making me look like a confused Barbie. And not sure if it jives with my olive skin  (pics soon!)
  9. Looks like Coco is starting to take my advice!
  10. I’m starting to dress older, not in a bad way though. But I do miss wearing hoodies and high-tops.
  11. POP, where have you been all my life?

2011 is done.kaput.closed.over. Whatever the case, it went by peculiarly fast for me. This year, I promise to move slower, stop at every view and just breathe. 2012 will be filled with purpose and a fresh sense of serious optimism. It will be an action year. I can already feel it. And you are more than welcome to watch.

Love, Valenz

picture source: femmetales.com

About cocovalenz

Why work when you can CoCoValenz.
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